Healing Clinic
Love Demostrated
I am Diana
Diana earned her Bachelor degree from St. Louis Christian College majoring in Christian Education with the main focus on Urban Ministry. Please to announce Diana Clark Gamble as of 12/31/2019 is an Ordained Minister and honored to receive a Honorary Doctor's Degree of Divinity for her tireless work in our communities. Thank you Diana Clark Gamble for your dedication and faithfulness!
Her passion and remaining life work is channeled through Restoration ASAP Ministries Inc (RAMI).
Diana is founder of Restoration ASAP Ministries, Inc February 2005 and the IRS on 11/30/2009 mailed an acceptance letter stating the ministry is a tax exempt 501 (c 3) "public charity".
Currently, Diana has a Prayer Ministry and a Community Outreach Ministry which includes mentoring families in times of crisis. Her compassion: To see life lived the way God intended and provide an opportunity to put the love of Jesus in action.
Restoration ASAP Ministries Inc (RAMI) home base is located in North County and open to the public.
An Intercessor in the past with Billy Graham, Convoy of Hope (Ferguson Event), Global Day of Prayer, and currently an Intercessor with Friendly Temple MB Church, the Discipleship Team , Bible Training Teacher for New Members, and an Intercessor for Joyce Meyer Ministries. Diana is also a Radio Host on Jubilee Radio 690 AM. A show she produces "Pray Without Ceasing" every Saturday at 8 AM which communicates how to live the abundant life in Christ!
Dana is available for speaking engagements, Conferences, and seminars: Healing and Mentoring is available one on one or group .
Meet Diana on Saturdays at our new location for mentoring, encouragement, prayer, and the miraculous.
Get Motivated served as one of the supervisors at the conference
Business Seminar with Barbara Bush and Guest
You'll see Deliverance and Breakthrough by Praying in the Spirit
Get Motivated served as one of the supervisors at the conference
Prayer on Site
Open Saturdays
insurance plan No Problem
Short waiting
times w/appt
Appointment needed
Free HIV Testing
Ask The Nurse
Dental Service
Prayer -Healing
Healing Demostrated
“For with God nothing shall be impossible .” Luke 1:37
King James Version (KJV)